Here you will find a list of books that I have read that have led to self-awareness, insight, growth and me being a better version of myself as a parent, a wife and a person.

The Gifts of Imperfection – Brene Brown

Brene Brown has spent her professional life researching shame and how we overcome it. This is a very candid look at her own journey to live a, what she calls, WholeHearted Life, based on her research into what helps people develop shame resilience, and what things people who are living a WholeHearted Life do differently. It’s an easy but well worth it read!

The Body Keeps the Score – Besel Van Der Kolk

Okay this one is heavy but incredible if you have ever wanted to understand the ins and outs of trauma and how the effects trauma, continue long after we find our way out of it. Besel is, in my opinion, the leading voice in trauma treatment and understanding the connection between our mind and body, as well as what it takes to heal. This one is not for the faint of heart (I’m actually still working my way through it) but incredibly insightful!

No Drama Discipline – Dan Siegle AND How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk – Faber

These absolutely changed the way I parent and see parenting. Based on brain science of the developing brain and what we have learned about the factors that help children grow, learn and become the people we want them to be, these books lead you through a shift in thinking around what our kids really need from us in order to learn with strategies and examples.

When Love Is Not Enough – Nancy Thomas

If you have a kid with attachment trauma or difficult to manage, this book is an essential tool. Nancy is a foster and adoptive parent who is sent the kids that have killed, the ones that have been labeled as “too hard”. While I don’t agree with everything she says, she has some incredibly creative ways to deal with tough behaviors that help move parents out of the fight.

Come As You Are – Emily Nagoski

I wish this book was required reading in high school and beyond. It is about female sexuality, self-image and the messages we receive in our culture, based in science. It empowers women of all kinds (and those that support the women they love) to love themselves and shed some of the messed up messages we receive and pass down around our bodies, pleasure, desires and worth. **She also has a great docuseries on Netflix called The Principles of Pleasure

It Didn’t Start With You

I haven’t done a great a job of updating this lately and I’m going to work on that but would love if you have recommendations to put them in the comments for others.