As I was thinking about where to start (I’ve had so many thoughts of what I want to share), I found myself wanting to just reflect on my day and the days that have led to me starting this. After a day of meeting eight people in a row, I find myself being overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude for the honor I have been given to be witness to and join so many amazing people on their journey to healing. I have been invited into people’s lives in a way that we rarely trust others with. It is overwhelming the opportunity I get to see people in a way they don’t see themselves and to help them see through my eyes. I do not take it lightly the vulnerability that I am entrusted with daily and the lessons that I learn from those that walk into my life in the various ways they do. Those who know me, know that I hate to call myself a therapist, or what I do therapy, simply because I am not doing my job; I am being me (I used to have a client who called me “her Tiffany” when she told people about coming to see me and who I was. I have never liked another title more.). I was once told that I treat my clients like they are my family and friends and the reality is, I do and always have cared deeply about those that I care about. While the nature of the relationship may look different, I don’t have clients, I have people who, rather than meeting at a coffee shop, through a friend, playing cribbage etc, enter my life through my office door (I think from here on, I’m just going to call them my people 🙂 ).

My own journey to healing and growth continues and I hope always will. Each day, through my people, I learn more about me, life and love. So much of what I will share has come from what I’ve learned by being allowed to be a part of others’ stories, holding space and listening with my heart, not just my ears. This will be my space to share what I’ve learned and what I hope will help others on their journey to healing.

In this blog, I hope you will find reminders of your worth and your right to be loved and cared for and to set healthy boundaries…a place to gain understanding around why you struggle the way you do and how to move forward… to learn that how you are treated is not a reflection of you and that your relationships have to do with much more than the here and now. I hope in each post, you will find a way to give yourself the grace I am constantly learning to give myself.

As I start this journey, I want to say thank you to all of my people that have allowed me in when everything in their life, told them that they shouldn’t. Those that have allowed me to witness their incredible courage and their vulnerability. For trusting me to not hurt them and for tolerating my persistence.

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